A new year, a new certification! And one that perfectly aligns with our values.

One of our main missions at ELEPHAS is to help protect the African elephant by safeguarding its habitats threatened by human development, climate crisis…

For several months now, we have been working with the Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network to put together our efforts for biodiversity protection. Its loss is especially current as Australia has lost almost a billion species of animals and plants, ravaged by the fires.

This January 2020, it’s official: ELEPHAS is Wildlife Friendly™ !

The Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network and its certification programs represent grassroots farmers, ranchers, herders, artisans, indigenous peoples and conservation heroes from around the world. 

Wildlife Friendly® products contribute to the conservation of over twelve million hectares of diverse wetlands, forests, and grasslands; protect keystone endangered species in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin and North America, including the Snow Leopard, Elephant, Tiger, Cheetah, Red Panda, and Wolf; and benefit over 200,000 people through increased food security, income and employment.

Read about how WFEN are stirring things up in December’s Vogue Business article Fashion is belatedly trying to save Earth’s biodiversity.

Wildlife Friendly

We are buzzing to be the 1st Beauty brand ever to be Wildlife Friendly™ and hope that many more will join this network by designing committed & responsible products & services. 

You can read more about how our model functions in the Wildlife Friendly™ press release: https://bit.ly/37GIIiE

Wildlife Friendly